Destroy All Social Media

Destroy All Social Media seems to be our new battle cry in the quest to resist corporate data collection. Civilization has gone cold digital losing the warmth and feeling of an analog world. Sure social media seemed like a good tool to promote my online shop but alas the negative vibes seem to outweigh the benefits. Therefore out mega corporation of one person has concluded it is long over due to just use the Internet for communication and information. The goal is knowledge over hype, enlightenment over shock and awe. A wise decision? Will I lose contact with some wonderful people. It’s worth the risk, besides good folks will always find away to locate you. A Luddite I am not but just the last keyholder of an analog world.

Destroy All Social Media poster of monsters killing off digital corporate data collecting icons.

Sanity is hard to come by these days indeed but if one would like to contact me this website offers two secure methods.

  1. Just click the chat icon in the lower left hand corner of the screen.
  2. On the top menu choose CONTACT and one can email me directly.

The departure date to destroy all the data collected by FaceBook is mid-September. we have exited WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter/X, Tik Tok, SnapChat, and all the like. Best of all those retarded community standards, corporate double speak privacy policies, and politically correct hogwash will all fade away. FYI any chats we have on this website are encrypted AND will automatically be deleted after 30 days.

Now would be a great time to subscribe to my website to keep up to date on all my adventures. Speaking of adventures check out my vacation plan for this Autumn 2024- a fabulous motorcycle journey through the colors of New England. I shall be posting pics and insights from the mini-vacation so buckle up and enjoy the ride.

Now would be a great time to subscribe to my website to keep up to date on all my adventures. Speaking of adventures check out my vacation plan for this Autumn 2024- a fabulous motorcycle journey through the colors of New England. I shall be posting pics and insights from the mini-vacation so buckle up and enjoy the ride.

OMG- can’t be found on Social Media, returning to humanity…

Hey Ho Way to go Ohio!

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