Open Mic Night at Equinox was not only award winning but an intimate vibe. Once a month our “concert venue” was turned into a coffe shop. A local musician was always hired to host the night which added more personability to the event. So if one missed the experience here are the recordings that exist from those evening on Golden Street (Rue 278) in Phnom Penh.
View all the fun and creative Open Mic Flyers from Equinox
Also explore our historic Bands Gallery and Concert Recordings Collection.
Hosted by drummer Troy Campbell from Gerogia by way of Texas Sate University in San Marcos, Texas.
Hotsed by bassist Andre Schwartz from South Africa.
Hosted by singer/songwriter Clayton England fron Virginia.
Hotsed by bassist Andre Schwartz from South Africa.
Hosted by drummer Troy Campbell from Gerogia by way of Texas Sate University in San Marcos, Texas.
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