Academia and Awards – Anthony Mrugacz – ( jump to scholarly articles )
I could wile away the hours. Conferrin’ with the flowers Consultin’ with the rain
And my head I’d be scratchin’. While my thoughts were busy hatchin’ If I only had a brain– Scarecrow
Best Live Music Venue in Phnom Penh 2012 & 2013 – The Advisor Reader’s Choice Awards Phnom Penh, Cambodia (view)
Best Open Mic Night in Phnom Penh 2013 & 2014 – The Advisor Reader’s Choice Awards Phnom Penh, Cambodia (view)
BMW Motorcycle 100,000 Mile Award (view)
International Studies Graduate Student of the Year College of Liberal Arts, Texas State University-San Marcos. 2009–2010. (view)
Sigma Iota Rho-Honorary Society for International Studies. April 2005. (view)
Award for Academic Excellence in International Studies. College of Liberal Arts, Texas State University-San Marcos. April 2006. Dean’s List. College of Liberal Arts, Texas State University-San Marcos. Four semesters, Fall 2004–Spring 2006. (view)
Master of the Arts International Studies – Texas State University-San Marcos 2010. (view)
3.88 GPA (98%), Courses: Military History, Problems in Political Economy, Modern Democratic Systems, Relations Theory, 20th Century Russia, Population Geography, Studies in World Politics-Asia, Grant Development & Management, Problems in International Organizations, Ancient Warfare-Julius Caesar, Internships—Cambodia (2x).
Bachelor of the Arts Russian and Eastern European Studies, Minor: History. – Texas State University-San Marcos 2007. summa cum laude, 3.82 GPA (95.5%) (view)
Nordonia High School – Macedonia, Ohio (view)
1860 Federal Census Transcription
1860 Federal Census Slave Schedule
Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF). Rider Coach national Certification 1999-2011 (view)
Texas Dept. of Safety Motorcycle Safety Instructor – San Marcos, Texas. April 25th, 1999. (view)
BMW Motorrad, Motorcycle Sales Product & Mechanic Product Knowledge, 1999-2003. (view)
Auto Mechanics, Cuyahoga Valley Vocational School, Brecksville, Ohio, June– September 1975.
Driver Education Exam Certificate; State of Ohio. Nordonia Hills H.S., Ohio July 3rd, 1975 (view)
TN-921T Hazmat package handler Knowledge Certificate FedEx Ground, Twinsburg, OH October 24th, 2018
Student Worker Safety Training. Environmental Health, Safety & Risk Management – Texas State University– San Marcos, August 2009.
GATO-Website Content Management System. Texas State University-San Marcos, February 2008.
- Cambodia Road Crash and Victim Information System – Annual Report 2008 (view)

Special thanks as well to the Handicap International Belgium road safety team, in particular to its manager, Ms. Sann Socheata, and her colleagues, Mr. SEM Panhavuth, Ms. Ou Amra, Mr. Ryan Duly, Mr. Meas Chandy, Mr. Uy Math, Mr. Yorn Virak, and our volunteer, Mr. Anthony Mrugacz from Texas State University-San Marcos for assistance on the 2008 Annual Report, whose commitment and hard work made the publication of this report possible’
Academic Resesearch – Anthony Mrugacz – Articles to Explore and Enjoy
- Franklin D. Roosevelt
- Russia – Viet Nam Foreign Policy
- Phnom Penh Diary 2007
- Ayub Khan – Friends Not Masters
- 1978 Cambodia Viet Nam War
- Anastas Mikoyan
- UN Transitional Authority Cambodia
- Nazi Economic Policy in the Balkans
- Document Analysis: Graffiti
- Borodin: Stalin’s Man in China
- 19th Century Russian Industrialization
- Khrushchev: The Secret Speech
- Russian Foreign Policy
- East European States
- Russia, China, & Southeast Asia
- Bush vs. Putin: Foreign Policy
- Is Sovereignty congruent with Power
- Imperialism & Democratic Heritage
- Olympic Sports and Politics
- International Anarchism & Terrorism
- Nuclear Missiles in Cuba
- Putin’s Power: Oil & Gas
- Truman, Stalin, and F.D.Roosevelt
- South Ossetia Independence Claim
- S.S. Lotus Judgment No. 9, Sept. 7, 1927
- International Telecommunication Union
- Economic Statecraft: USA / Iraq
- The World’s Economic Systems
- Eastern European Politics
- Trade interdependence and peace
- Marxism and U.S. Economics
- Kant, Mitrany, and the Marxists
- Why States Conflict
- China’s Decline
- Why did Vietnam invade Cambodia 1978?
- Imperialism & Democratic Heritage
- General Agreement on Tariffs & Trade
- Onset of WorldWar 2
- Problems facing modern India
- Idealist versus Marxian Theory World Systems
- Netherlands, Belarus, Venezuela, Mozambique
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