Media from Anthony Mrugacz – Videos and Book Publications
Parents’ Wedding – Slavic Village Cleveland, Ohio
Cyclo Adventure – Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Videographer – Clay George
20,000 Mile Road Trip across the USA & Europe on a 1985 BMW K100RS back in 1998.
1st time playing drums in public. Never a lesson but always a few glasses of red wine.
Videographer – Mr. Vy
MTV Debut in Burning Spear Video – Florida USA
Hot Night in Southeast Asia – Oscar’s Bar – St. 104 Phnom Penh before it was the best damn bar in Cambodia.
Media: Publications – Read Online For Free!
When one is banned for life by a publisher then “samizdat” (the Slavic word for self publishing) is the answer. The behemoth greed machine Amazon censored me without clear explanation hence denying the world the ability to read and hopefully enjoy my publications. Once there was a fee to read these but now in an attempt to support the freedom of ideas over profit I proudly present them to you. Here they are available to read online. Here are the three current offerings:

The Experience of 5 Days of Training to become a Motorcycle Instructor in the Great State of Texas. Twelve applicants , 10 rode Harleys, 1 a Goldwing, and the author a BMW. Confrontation led to cooperation yet only 7 passed the course. Semi-hilarious drama ensues and the author is branded with a new nickname. Update 20024: Still riding the same BMW K100RS from 25 years ago when I successfully became an instructor. Ala the motorcycle has over 100,000 miles on the odometer now.

Cambodian English vocabulary, also known as Khmenglish, for the pearl of Asia: sarcastic and humorous tourist survival guide. In the sarcastic spirit of Ambrose Byrce’s “The Devil’s Dictionary”, understand how English is used and the reality of life in Cambodia. Sarcasm is fun for the whole family. For entertainment use only. Learn Khmenglish slang today!

A true story- a travel journal from 1991. Two Texans and one Chevy four wheel drive truck cross the Rio Grande River, Long before GPSs, smartphones,and the free WiFi-, an adventurer just needed a whole lotta cajones to traverse mountains, jungles, & beaches south of the border. Living at times off the land, at other just day dreaming in a hammock.

Download and read today to learn more about this geo-political hotspot.

The Birth of Modern Operational Warfare Theory
A short analysis of the writings of Alexander Andreyevich Scechin.