Burning eBooks is Possible

Burning eBooks is Possible

Burning eBooks is possible as this past week Amazon’s Kindle slaughtered my account for reasons hard to understand but easy to explain. After half a decade of using this corporate monstrosity publisher with wishy washy rules and tyrannical wizard of oz like self-righteous authority, my last resort for the right to publish is now with this website. My half dozen eBooks, which were also available as paperbacks , were removed from Kindle and I was permanently banned with no appeal possible. IN addition, 385 notebooks with my designs were also put to the electronic flames of corporate Orwellian censorship. I surely doubt anyone will ever read this tut if one does, are you left to wonder why?

My designs are available on clothing as well as these notebooks. Often I will offer the same design on a t-shirt as well as a unique notebook. As I often did, I upload a design, which was as many times before approved by Amazon’s Merch brand for apparel, to be on a notebook cover. After submitting the new notebook for publications I was coldly emailed that my design was someone else’s and I had violated a copyright policies. Seems their personnel, most probably in some 3rd world country, or artificial intelligence (AI) claims I infringed on what was myself. The ban put in place, royalties owed then forfeited, and the wham bam thank you mam of Bezosonian ideology assassinated my freedom of expression.

Fear Not as Words Rise from the Ashes of Amazon

To fight back my options are find another publisher (I think I learned my lesson) or self-publish. Alas, the second choice has been made to be my own publisher. Before there was a fee to buy one of my printed publications or read on the over hyped Kindle program. Now on my groovy and constantly expanding media page one can for and read for free my publications.

I was left out in the could but never gave up the fight.

Anthony Mrugacz standing in Ohio snow for the blog post "Burning eBooks is Possible".

Not Possible to be Burning These eBooks

Currently these are my offerings and all are available for free. Shall I write more and share my wisdom and tales of adventures? Vote yes by visiting my eShop to view my artistic offerings today!

Book cover saying "Misadventures in Mexico and Belize:  for the blog post "Burning eBooks is Possible" by Mrugacz.


A true story- a travel journal from 1991. Two Texans and one Chevy four wheel drive truck cross the Rio Grande River, Long before GPSs, smartphones,and the free WiFi-, an adventurer just needed a whole lotta cajones to traverse mountains, jungles, & beaches south of the border. Living at times off the land, at other just day dreaming in a hammock.

Book cover saying "Branded Ace - Anthony Mrugacz".


The Experience of 5 Days of Training to become a Motorcycle Instructor in the Great State of Texas. Twelve applicants , 10 rode Harleys, 1 a Goldwing, and the author a BMW. Confrontation led to cooperation yet only 7 passed the course. Semi-hilarious drama ensues and the author is branded with a new nickname.

Painting of wheat grass and red poppies  for the blog post "Burning eBooks is Possible" by Mrugacz.


Download and read today to learn more about this geo-political hotspot.

Book cover saying "City of Gosts" m for the blog post "Burning eBooks is Possible" by Mrugacz.


Cambodian English vocabulary for the pearl ofAsia: sarcastic and humorous tourist survival guide. In the sarcastic spirit of Ambrose Byrce’s “The Devil’s Dictionary”, understand how English is used and the reality of life in Cambodia. Sarcasm is fun for the whole family. For entertainment use only. Learn Khmenglish slang today!

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